
Sunday, February 15, 2015

R/G Aggro 1st place GameDay Champion 2/15/2015 Decklist and some bullsh$tting about magic

I was playing Abzan Aggro against this guy playing R/W aggro at a local PPTQ recently. I play a fleecemane lion. He chains it to the rocks. I play an anafenza, he chains it. I play a siege rhino, chains it. wingmate roc, stoke. All this time he's playing Hordeling outbursts, Monastery mentor and stormbreath dragons. After having exactly 5 lands, he never sees another one. Every draw some insane win con. All the while I'm drawing a mix of things that kind of work here or there and lands. Both games went like this. I couldn't even look him in the face I just kinda stormed off.

The next round I played against abzan aggro, game one my opening hand has one land, my mull has six lands and my next has one. Game two, opening hand one land, mull one land and so on. After that I just had a total meltdown. Tilt city. Like the single sad girl a perfect wedding flip out.

...and that's the way magic has been going for me lately. I even quit buying packs because out of like 36+ I hadn't opened a rare over a $1. You know that simpsons episode where homer tries to make a bowl of cereal and it catches on fire? 

can you tell I'm the kind of person that gestures when they talk?

...like that. This is why you don't hear from me often.  If I'm not gonna be a puss I know I really need to write all the time even when I lose, but it's tough you know to get motivated to sit and ponder my failure right after it. I'm gonna try.

So anyway about the deck. 

After getting pummel lately by, honestly, my own deck. Be it pain lands or tapped I just got frustrated saturday night and decided to put all my favorite cards in a deck. It's silly but I have like a full page of those Fanatic of xenagos, and rabblemaster promos. 

I just decided that Abzan is straight up unbeatable in a punching match so I might as well just try and race them. To be honest with everyone on the Ugin plan thats not unrealistic.

I took a PTQ Temur deck I got beat in the face with and basically tore out everything blue. You'd be surprised how little you lose switching from Frost walkers and savage knuckleblades to Heir of the wild and fanatic of xenagos. In this format of one for one trading you're eccentrically sinking 3, tough to draw, mana for a 4/4 knuckleblade. Yeah someday maybe it could do more but creatures do not live that long in this format. FOX is a baller ready to go on turn 2 90% of the time with an elvish mystic. Yeah frost walker is a 4/1. You know how embarrassing it is to get Polukranos'd for 0? Yeah he didn't have to, but it was funny..to him -__-. 


Frost walker out, Heir of the "can't touch this" wilds is in. The rest of it is pretty easy to put together logically. You'll note I'm being really aggressive here. I'm not really interested in interacting with my opponents. The removal is just there to remove small blockers and heroic type stuff. "Turn stuff sideways .deck" as always with The Piscian. For some reason in most games I found myself sideboarding out Shaman sadly. Against any kind of big butt defensive deck like abzan mid range he's awful on the draw and so so on the play. I never got to activate his khans ability.

I'm a very bad sideboarder but I'll try and explain my strategy

R/W, RWB Token low to the ground decks

2x Arc Lightning
2x Barrage of Boulders
3x Feed the Clan

- 3x Shaman of the Great Hunt
- 1x Stormbreath Dragon
- 4x Goblin Rabblemaster
- 1x Heir of the Wilds

The reason is they tend to have a ton of 2 or 3 power kill spells, so Rabblemaster just gives them a big target. Heir costs less usually gets ignored, they're waiting for rabbs. Shaman is easily beaten by a magma spray and costs too much. Stormbreath is just to costly to be stuck with in your opening hand. (I go down a bit on my 4 power when adding feed the clan, but its still in testing.)

Abzan Midrange

2x Nissa, Worldwaker
2x Chandra, Pyromaster
2x Ashcloud Phoenix

- 2x Magma Spray
- 3x Shaman of the Great Hunt
- 1x Goblin Rabblemaster

Nissa and Chandra help you get around elspeth and siege rhinos as well as help in the long game. Shaman just doesn't match up well with anything if they have a board presence. Magma spray is a dead card rabble get bile blighted a lot. Ashcloud flies over rhinos and hits elspeth.

Heroic decks 

2x Arc Lightning
2x Barrage of Boulders
3x Feed the Clan
2x Chandra, Pyromaster

- 3x Shaman of the Great Hunt
- 3x Stormbreath Dragon
- 4x Polukranos, World Eater

Take out anything that could clog up your opening hand. Bring all the removal and the lifegain in, I know were taking out all  the 4 drops, but life gain is life gain. I'm still working on a more efficient way to do this. 

R/G, Abzan Aggro decks

2x Arc Lightning
2x Chandra, Pyromaster
2x Nissa, Worldwaker

- 3x Shaman of the Great Hunt
- 3x Goblin Rabblemaster

Heir is ok since he can race and block anything so he stays. Rabble is pretty slow and is an easy target so he's out. Shaman just doesn't do anything and is a big target.

Control Decks

2x Chandra, Pyromaster
2x Nissa, Worldwaker
2x Xenagos, the Reveler
2x Ashcloud Phoenix

- 3x Lightning Strike
- 2x Magma Spray
- 3x Crater's Claws

Take out all your removal you can and bring in every threat possible.

I only lost one match, to R/W aggro. I didn't lose for any specific reason. It's fast and reacts to everything thing I can do. It's actually a bad match up due to the lack of removal. However I'm not willing to adjust for one deck however prevalent it may be. I think I'd rather try to mulligan aggressively and accept it as rough. If all else fails maybe bring in two nylea's disciples. I'm having trouble finding lifegain effects in R/G.

0-2 R/W aggro
2-1 Mon white weenies
2-1 abzan midrange
0-0-3 draw R/W heroic
2-1 Abzan midrange
2-0 Abzan midrange
2-1 R/W heroic

As always thanks for reading. feel free to chime in if I could I'd probably just talk about magic all day and night.


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