Man I haven't written anything in so long. You know life stuff etc etc. Let's just skip the introduction and talk about the trip.
The Montana State Championship was graciously hosted by Rook's Comics & Games in Bozeman MT.
We had a total of 88 players making it my largest tournament to Top 8 in. I honestly haven't done decently with any deck in months and I wasn't going to go but Kris at KAB Sports Cards dragged me along. My only deck I had put together was Naya Hexproof. With so much removal and big creatures in the format it's a deck that lets me kind of play my own game. It feels more like it's mine to win or lose. Though I definitely was expecting an 0-2 drop and to just go drinking with Kris and the boys. What happened was a miracle. Let's go to the deck.
So on the ride to the SC I started thinking about my deck and how difficult it is to pull one thing or another out of it and still have everything be functional. I ultimately decided having a bunch of "one of's" and "two of's" just wasn't where I wanted to be. If I was going to win at all I needed a leg up on my opponents. So I dumped my sideboard and added a top of aggro creatures. That way when they pull all their removal out after game one seeing as I literally only had one target-able creature I could switch to an aggro deck and just dump a bunch of creatures on them.
This is what happened...
- Match 1 Naya HexProof Vs Mono-red devotion 2-0
Game 1: I was on the play Witchstalker into ethereal armor x2 unflinching courage turn 5 boros charm.
Game 2: on the draw, I got stuck on temples on his turn three he played a boros reckoner, I played bassara archer, turn 4 Fanatic of mogis (ugh) I'm down to 13 attach gift or orzhova up to 16, turn 5 Storm breath dragon down to 5. shockland for x2 madcap skills back to 12. he swings for 11. "sooo, you have a lightning strike?" "nope" 2-0 me.
- Match 2 Naya HexProof Vs Brave naya 2-1
game 1 though I was on the draw I ended up pushing him out with multiple armors and courage it was quick. game 2 he raced and beat me with ghor-clans to the face before I could get online. Game 3 He played a fabled hero and blew his hand pumping it for a kill swing with ghor-clan boros charm and giant growth. I played selesnya charm. 2-1 me. Worth noting I wasn't really paying attention because I was gonna charm him anyway but we both got a written warning for him getting heroic off ghor-clan :(
- Match 3 Naya HexProof Vs Brave naya 2-1
Same deal more or less. I lost game 1 and won game 3 and 3. game 2 was sort of interesting in that I completely flooded out on gladecover scouts and 0 enchantments.....and one selesnya charm. I baited out a brave the elements with a banishing light and then waited for the big pump *exile*. Game 3 was kinda lame. He had me dead on board turn 6 but got stuck on 3 mana and couldn't combo. *magic*
- Match 4 Naya HexProof Vs B/G Devotion 2-0
I felt I had a very terrible match up against this deck but ultimately I was able to draw out all the removal spells and push through both games. Game 2 He made the mistake of thoughtseizing twice for my enchantments. It's unfortunate because my enchantments though scary are easily replaced and also target-able with golgari charm and abrupt decay. Though with how fast I moved both games I'm not sure there was an out of any kind if I'd drawn more creatures. I'd sided in 8 for game two. He stabilized at 8 life using devour flesh on my 4 unflinching couraged voice of resurgence. I had 2 boros charms in hand with the right mana on my next turn.
- Match 5 Naya HexProof Vs Junk Midrange 2-0
I wish I could provide a little more detail on this match up. Ultimately both games he got two a turn 3 advent of the worm which I had a banishing light for or a bigger meaner dude.
At this point I was an incredible 5-0 and the top seed. I double drew in to top 8 and then....
- Top 8 Round 1 Naya HexProof Vs Junk Midrange 0-2
Same guy Andrew. My game 1 I had 2 temple gardens an archer an eidolon an ethereal armor an ajani, and a boros charm. I never saw another land :(. Game 2 My opener was 6 lands and a madcap skills. I mulled to 6 with 3 perfect lands and 3 enchantments. I don't know why I kept it. I suck at magic. I didn't keep a bad hand the entire tournament until then but of course I never saw a creature. The tilt strike again.
Congrats to him btw he won the whole thing :)
I'm the failwhale in the Red. Norwood to my left. The picture was taken at the beginning of the top 8. Jeremy behind me won.
Then we went out and drank until a tard I'll leave anonymous (it was ian) puked all over our hotel room.
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